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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • Manuscript file is formatted in Microsoft Word.

  • Author’s data is placed in italics (not underlined) excluding the URL-addresses; all illustrations, schemes and diagrams must be placed within the text in the relevant position (no post-positioning).

  • Web-references in the text are followed by appropriate URL-addresses.

  • Manuscript has not been published before and not reviewed by editors of other periodicals (or with relevant explanations provided in the editor’s comments).

  • Text of the article is fully compliant with bibliographic requirements in
    guidelines for authors.

Author Guidelines

Requirements for the articles content

According to the Presidium resolution of State Commission for Academic Degrees and Titles of Ukraine «On increasing requirements for scientific publications, included into the list SCAD of Ukraine  № 7-05 / 1» dated 15 Jan. 2003 and the order of MON of Ukraine dated 17 «On approval of Procedure on drafting the List of specialized scientific periodicals of Ukraine» dd. 15.01.2018 № 32, scholarly articles should include the following elements: problem definition in general and its connection with important scientific and practical tasks; analysis of recent researches and publications, foundations of the problem on which the author based; the article should identify unsolved aspects of the  general problem, to formulate objectives of the article (problem statement); set out the main material with the full justification of scientific results; should contain conclusions and prospects for further research in this area. The title of the content should not be specified.


Required elements of article:

1. UDC index should be located before the headline of the article aligned to the the left side.

2. Author information (authors): family name, given name, degree, position, ORCID, place of work, (studies) indicating the city. The information should be presented in three languages: Ukrainian, Russian, English*. Name and surname of author must be transcribed according to Decree of Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine «On Ukrainian alphabet romanization» dd. 27.01.2010 № 55. Also, should be the specified contact (phone, e-mail).

Interpretation of key positions and academic credentials

Definition (Ukrainian)

Interpretation options

доктор юридичних наук

Doctor of Law*

Doctor of Science of Law

Doctor of Juridical Science

Doctor of Legal Science

кандидат юридичних наук

Ph.D in Law

Candidate of Science of Law

Candidate of Juridical Science Candidate of Legal Science

Candidate of Law/Laws

доктор філософії (з права)

Doctor of Philosophy (in Law) Philosophy Doctor (in Law)




Associate Professor


Assistant Professor

старший викладач

Senior Lecturer



провідний/старший/молодший науковий співробітник

Leading/Senior/Junior Research Fellow Leading/Senior/Junior Fellow Leading/Senior/Junior Researcher


Doctoral Student

аспірант, ад’юнкт

Postgraduate Student

Graduate Student






*Bold highlights are marked by the editorial version of the translation options.


3. Headline of the article should be presented in three languages: Ukrainian, Russian, English. The title usually should not exceed 90 characters (taking into account spaces).

4. Summary should be presented in three languages: Ukrainian, Russian, English. Summary comprises minimum 1800 symbols. It must logically structured complying with material description in the paper and define aim, theoretical background, scientific novelty, conclusions. Summary must not contain any references and abbreviations, paper material duplication is not allowed. Responsibility for the English translation must be entrusted personally to the author.

5. Keywords – at least three and no more than ten words. It is necessary to present Ukrainian, Russian and English languages.

6. The text of article must be structured and contain introduction, aim, basic material, scientific novelty, conclusions. Paper comprises minimum 10-12 pages (references, summaries and key words are not included) on А4 paper, Times New Roman 14, 1,5 interval. Full text, electronic versions of pictures and tables are presented in separate A5 files. References to sources within the text are to be put in square brackets with indication of exact source pages e.g.: [1, p. 235] or [2, p. 8; 3, p. 45]. Paper presented in English must be accompanied by Russian translation.

7. References are presented after the paper text, fully complying with bibliographic standards (ДСТУ 7152:2010 «Publications in journals and bulletins», ДСТУ ГОСТ 7.1:2006. «Bibliographic entry: requirements and rules», ДСТУ ГОСТ 7.80:2007 «System of information standards (library services and publishing. Bibliographic entry. Title. Requirements and rules»). Use of abbreviations and reductions - ДСТУ 3582:2013 «Іnformation and documents. Bibliographic entry. Ukrainian abbreviations and reductions. Requirements and rules», ГОСТ 7.12.93 «Bibliographic entry. Russian abbreviations and reductions. Requirements and rules».

References must reflect current status of research (recent papers from reputable journals and basic monographs with DOI indicated after each source bibliographic entry. DOI can be checked at http://www.crossref.org. Preference is given to sources included in Web of Science or Scopus.

Additionally bibliographic entry is presented in АРА style (transcribed).

References list should not exceed 12–14 sources.


Articles are published after submission of:

  • provide a printed version of the article to the byline. It means its full responsibility for the quality and scientific importance of submitted material;
  • the electronic version of article on USB-storage media, CD-ROM or 
    e-mail: [email protected];
  • provide an extract from the record department (research laboratory) about the recommendation of the article to open printing;
  • external review of Doctor of Sciences with relevant area of expertise (with exception of papers prepared by Doctors of Sciences or co-authored). 

Note! Authors are responsible for the authenticity of written material, the accuracy of quotations, statistics, proper names. Athours take responsibility for lack of information which cannot publish openly. Articles with violations are not accepted for publication. The fact of plagiarism is the absolute grounds for rejecting the article.

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