Anthropology of Law as a Component of Philosophical Anthropology (General Essay)

  • O. Bandura

    Doctor of Philosophy, Professor, Professor of the Department of Philosophy of Law and Legal Logic of the National Academy of Internal Affairs, Kyiv, Ukraine


The purpose of the article is to attract the attention of modern specialists on the philosophy of law the achievements of the Ukrainian school of 60-ies of the last century in the field of general philosophy and philosophical anthropology, as well as to show that a number of provisions of anthropology of law are a composites of the relevant provisions of philosophical anthropology, and that the dialectical relationship of legal anthropology with legal praxeology, axiology, ontology and gnoseology are conditioned to the dialectical interrelations of philosophical anthropology with philosophical praxeology, axiology, ontology and gnoseology. It should be noted that Vladimir Kuzmenko in his article «Оnthology, anthropology, axiology, gnoseology of Thomas Aquinas law conception» considers the question of syncretism, that is, the indissoluble unity of the legal ontology, anthropology, axiology and epistemology in connection with a philosophical-legal concept of this thinker, but only with respect to this concept, the question should be put more widely. Methodology. Research methods due to the nature of the issue. The article used primarily dialectical and systemic-structural methods of logic. The scientific novelty of the article is to attract the attention of modern specialists on the philosophy of law to the achievements of the Ukrainian school of 1960-ies because they can and should be extended to the philosophy of law and legal anthropology in particular. Organic interconnection of anthropology with other major sections of the philosophy of law due to the presence of the organic interrelations of philosophical anthropology with appropriate disciplines. Conclusions. Specialists in philosophy of law must deeper explore the heritage of Ukrainian philosophers of the sixties and the dialectics of legal anthropology, praxeology, axiology, ontology and gnosiology.

Keywords: anthropology of law; philosophical anthropology; philosophy of law; legal man; dialectics.


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Author Biography

O. Bandura

Doctor of Philosophy, Professor, Professor of the Department of Philosophy of Law and Legal Logic of the National Academy of Internal Affairs, Kyiv, Ukraine


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Specific Areas of Legal Philosophy (Ontology, Gnoseology, Anthropology, Praxeology)