Mechanism of Providing Information Security of the State: Theoretical-Methodological Basis
The purpose of the article is to analyze the theoretical bases and methodology of studying the mechanism of information security, to reveal the essential features and features, the structure of this category. On this basis, the following tasks are formed, namely: to characterize the main doctrinal approaches to determining the provision of information security and the mechanism for ensuring information security of the state; formulate their definitions; to explore the methodological basis of the mechanism for ensuring information security of the state; identify specific issues in this area and suggest ways to remedy them. Methodology. Yes, a set of methods and methodological principles, approaches, in particular, activity, systemic, structural-functional and others were used. At the same time, on the basis of epistemological, dialectical and formal-legal, structural-functional methods, modeling and forecasting methods, the corresponding definitions are formulated and perspective directions of improvement of the mechanism of ensuring information security of the state are defined. Scientific novelty. It is proposed to consider the mechanism of ensuring information security as regulated by the legislation of the authorized entities, aimed at protecting and protecting the information sphere of the individual, society and the state from external and internal threats and improving information counteraction and fight measures. The above definition covers the key elements of the information security mechanism: object, subject, threats, directions, measures. Conclusions. In science there are no established approaches to determining the mechanism of information security. In monographs and dissertations, information security is interpreted as both an activity and a set or system of measures, and as a social phenomenon, as a social-legal mechanism, and as a circle of processes and phenomena, etc. In turn, the mechanism for ensuring information security is considered as: the system of state-legal institutions; system with its own structure; system of various means; set of state bodies, public structures, measures, levers and methods of action. And information security system is understood as a complex mechanism of realization of interests in the information sphere; a set of mechanisms and subjects; a set of bodies, communications, tools and technologies; system of various measures; etc. Therefore, there is no agreed position on the content and correlation of the categories «mechanism» and «system»: in some scientific works, where the authors consider the mechanism of information security through the prism of the system or vice versa, they actually identify these categories; note the need to distinguish between these two concepts but do not disclose their relationship. The diversity of interpretations of basic concepts in the field of information security gives rise to conceptual ambiguity regarding the implementation of the function of the state to provide information security, both at theoretical and legislative levels. This somewhat reduces the effectiveness of the implementation of the specified function of the state and causes its improvement.
Keywords: information security; mechanism of providing information security; national security of the state; methodology; system.
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