Genesis of Formation and Development of the Sphere of Medical Care of the Population in the Initial Period of Development of Society
The purpose of the article is a thorough study of the formation and development of the healthcare sector of the population, which originated in ancient times. During the provision of health care to the population at different times, and in particular during the initial period, it relied on experience and national and historical features in Ukraine. There was also borrowing from other countries and so on. Methodology. To achieve this goal, we use general scientific and special methods, which are the means of scientific search. In particular, the method of systematic analysis, as well as the system-structural, formal-logical and statistical methods made it possible to analyze the genesis of the formation and development of the sphere of health care of the population directly in the initial period of development of society. The scientific novelty is caused by the formation of the main features of the development of the sphere of health care of the population. The main basic features of the «Initial Stage» of formation and development of the sphere of public health services are distinguished and characterized: 1) herbal medicines begin to be used in providing medical care; 2) there is a use of medicines in which the mechanism of action on the human body is defined, namely: narcotic influence, excitatory effect, tonic effect, etc .; 3) magic is used in the provision of medical care, which arose as a result of empirical research. Conclusions. The basic stages of development of the sphere of medical care of the population as a whole in the territory of Ukraine are summarized, which include: the initial stage (600 million years ago to XII-VI thousand BC); the stage of KievanRus (9th to 3th centuries); Polish-Lithuanian stage (including Cossack statehood) (XIV to the first half of XVII century); Imperial stage (includes the reign of Peter I, Catherine II and Nicholas II (XVIII – up to XIX century); Soviet stage (XX century); stage of Ukrainian independence (second half of XX century); stage of Modern Ukraine (beginning of XXI century – to this day).
Keywords: genesis; sphere; health care; population; health; human; herbal medicines; animal medicines.
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