Philosophical and Legal Methodology for Establishing Effective Communication Between Government and Local Communities in the Information Society
The purpose of the article is to investigate the methodological foundations of the formation of new forms and models of communication between the authorities and local communities, which should increase the quality and effectiveness of dialogue between citizens and local authorities in the conditions of development of the information society. The methodology for using scientific tools to analyze this process is based on the fact that information-legal interaction between government and society is a fundamental paradigm that is interdisciplinary in which state power is a holistic phenomenon, and its methodological, scientific and legal studies are shaped not only by jurisprudence. political science, sociology, psychology, communication science and other sciences. Such integration of problems not only promotes the development of philosophical and legal science, but also attests to its state-forming depth, complexity and the need for systematic solution of urgent problems of interaction between the authorities and the community. The scientific novelty is that, for the first time, using the historical-comparative analysis, the philosophical and legal nature of the evolutionary process of the development of communication interaction between the authorities and local communities is explored. This process is significantly transformed in the conditions of development of the information society, which self-referentially generates new requests of the citizen and requires fast, and most importantly adequate decisions of the state authorities on the requests of the community. Conclusions. Analyzing the most widespread concepts of providing an effective communication model of government and society, we note that the whole system of methodological foundations of the analysis of the functioning of power gradually but surely evolves to transform the state power mechanism into a permanent, effective system of communication with the community of a certain territory in which defines and the protection of her legal rights and interests. This is an objectively existing basis that is methodologically consistent with the most important constitutional basis: the only source of state power is the people. At the same time, the philosophical and legal nature of the modern model of communication between the authorities and the community should be explored as a hierarchical and contagious system, since in most democratic societies, it is of particular importance to provide communication opportunities for each individual and society in general, and the idea of communicating a field of communication actions, and in the analysis of a social idea in the sense of a typical ideal. Taking into account the peculiarities of the formation of the information society in Ukraine, we can also state that the existing domestic model of communication interaction between the authorities and local communities needs a radical reform, and its transformation will continue actively.
Keywords: citizen; local community; society; power; communication; communication mechanisms; information society.
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