Polemic on the Universality of Human Rights


The purpose of the article is to disclose the axiological nature of human rights. Most attention is given to a fact that human rights were viewed as legal value only from the beginning of XX century, which is associated with implementing of axiological problems to the field of law science. It is proved, that the human rights are the values of liberal-lawful theory, that were formed in the modern age (Liberalism as the political and legal doctrine upholds two postulates – human has the highest value and also a human liberty is the highest value as well). The political ideas of liberalism gained final form and received the most authority in the Enlightenment age and became the legal axiom. It is within the theory of natural law that there is an assumption in the world that there is an eternal and unchanging idea of order (harmony, justice of human nature, etc.), which actually determines law and policy. Methodology. Method of comparative analysis was used to detect sources of major contradictions, that are traceable in most spread methodological approaches used to solve a viewen problem in a contemporary literature. Scientific novelty is determined by the peculiarity of modern understanding of the value of human rights and that they are universal to all of humanity without taking into account the cultural, mental and socio-cultural characteristics of the development of a particular community. It is shown that, due to objective socio-political, economic and cultural processes, there can be no unambiguity in the perception, consolidation and dissemination of basic legal values. The idea of the universality of human rights is being questioned as anchoring in normative documents common to all humanity human rights standards that can be applied to any society. Conclusions: The article shows that human rights as a universal legal value is an idea, an ideal, a guideline for building the desired social order. The article contains an analysis of the basic international legal acts of the XX–XXI twentieth century, which enshrines the basic human rights in their modern interpretation.

Keywords: law; human rights; natural law; liberalism; legal values; legal values.


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Author Biography

Yu. Lypovets

Deputy Chief of Investigation Branch Kherson Police Department of the Main Directorate of the National Police in Kherson Oblast, Kherson


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Specific Areas of Legal Philosophy (Ontology, Gnoseology, Anthropology, Praxeology)