System Approach to Legal Regulation of the Sports Sphere
The purpose of the article is to analyze the state of legal regulation of the sports and sports sphere. To achieve it, the following tasks were formed: to characterize the state of regulation of sports legal relations and physical and sports sphere; to reveal the systematic approach of legal regulation of sports and sports; to determine the peculiarities of sectoral and interbranch principles of legal regulation of sports and sports; to formulate proposals for improving the legal regulation of the sports and sports sphere in Ukraine. Methodology. The methodological toolkit is defined taking into account the goal and the subject of the research. System and structural-functional, logical-legal, formal-legal, semiotic, dialectical, methods of modeling and forecasting, other methods became decisive. The scientific novelty is to distinguish, on the basis of a systematic approach, the features of legal regulation of physical culture and sports in Ukraine. Thus, social relations in this area are quite diverse and integrated with other spheres of life, their characteristics and types. Legal regulation of sports and sports relations is carried out at the level of various branches and sub-sectors of law, including constitutional law, administrative law, sports law, business law and the like. Conclusions. Issues of organization and implementation of physical and fitness and sports activities, physical and fitness and sports events of a competitive nature are regulated by legal and other acts, which are the sources of various branches of law and legislation. The systematic approach, along with integration and some others, allow to assert about the allocation of sports law as a complex branch of law and legislation.
Keywords: systematic approach; legal regulation; branch of law; branch of legislation; sports relations; physical culture; sport; sports law.
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