The Praxeology of Law as a Component of Philosophical Praxeology (General Aspects)

  • O. Bandura

    Doctor of Philosophy, Professor; Professor of the Department of Philosophy of Law and Legal Logic of the National Academy of Internal Affairs, Kyiv, Ukraine


The purpose of the article is to attract the attention of modern scientists in the sphere of philosophy of law to the works of the Ukrainian Philosophical School of the 1960s in the sphere of general philosophy and philosophical praxeology, as well as to show that a number of positions of the praxeology of law are the components of the relevant positions of philosophical praxeology and that the dialectical relations of legal praxeology with legal gnoseology, axiology, anthropology and ontology are caused by the dialectical relations of philosophical praxeology with philosophical gnoseology, axiology, anthropology and ontology. Methodology. Research methods are predetermined by nature of the research. The article uses primarily dialectical and system-structural methods, methods of logic. The scientific novelty of the article is to attract the attention of modern specialists in the philosophy of law to the achievements of the Ukrainian philosophical school of the 1960s, since they can and should be extended to the general philosophy of law and to legal praxeology in particular. Organic interrelations of legal praxeology with other major sections of the philosophy of law due to the presence of organic interrelations of philosophical praxeology with other major sections of general philosophy. Conclusions. Legal activity expresses the essence of man as a legal being, the substance of his being. The legal person is absolutely the primary form of human identity in the sphere of law. In the process of legal activity, society develops and the legal person itself improves. Legal activity as the essence of the legal person is the process of its deployment and objectification in the legal culture. Specialists in the philosophy of law need to study more deeply the heritage of Ukrainian philosophers of the sixties, as well as the dialectics of legal praxeology, gnoseology, axiology, anthropology and ontology.

Keywords: praxeology of law; philosophical praxeology; philosophy of law; legal activity; purpose; subject; object; means; result; dialectics.


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Author Biography

O. Bandura

Doctor of Philosophy, Professor; Professor of the Department of Philosophy of Law and Legal Logic of the National Academy of Internal Affairs, Kyiv, Ukraine


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Methodology of law