Policy Networks as a Form of Interaction in the context of Building a Language Policy Model
Political networks are being investigated as a form of interaction in the context of building a language policy model that can be effectively formed only on a constructive basis. The component of this construct (model) is the pro-Ukrainian political institutions and such phenomena as: interdependence, constructive communication, independent state, mutual understanding, agreement, as well as concepts – «networks», «political networks», «network structure», etc. The researcher’s attention is focused on the network approach to constructing a model of language policy, as well as the political processes that take place in the field of language policy in the free and occupied territory of Ukraine during the assimilation of Ukrainians to the Russian Empire. In this context, the term «network» is understood as an institution that defines the rules for the interaction and integration of linguistic and political entities that are united by common interests and values. The study argues that the effective construction of a language policy model requires constructive engagement and understanding among members of its political networks that shape and shape language policy. Such interaction should be present in the middle of each political network, as well as on the inter-network, intergovernmental, inter-political, inter-factional, inter-party, inter-regional and other. levels. In order to reach an understanding not only at the local but also at the central (state) levels, the members of each political network must interact constructively, not only within its borders, but also on the inter-network level. This makes it possible to effectively implement language policy in the country and to build on it a model national (pro-Ukrainian) in essence and democratic in character. Otherwise, when there is no constructive interaction, a reluctance to communicate and agree, which is a disease of the Ukrainian community, destructive relationships on the internet level take precedence over rational communication policy. Political networks are beginning to form on this ground, destructive in nature and anti-Ukrainian (pro-Russian) in nature. The purpose of research: to analyze political networks that have both pro-Ukrainian and pro-Russian essence, corresponding character and vector of development, form of interaction in the context of constructing a model of language policy. The goals are based on the following tasks: to prove when political networks are pro-Ukrainian and pro-Russian in nature, and why they differently influence the construction of a language policy model; to consider the dependence of political networks whose members draft laws, adopt laws, programs and important linguistic and political decisions, on the dominant ideology, as well as those internal and external conditions within which language policy is implemented; analyzing the foundations of the «network structure» concept of a language policy model that brings together different political networks that constructively or destructively influence its construction, to show the influence of the theory of interaction on the consciousness and behavior of its members, within which language policy is to be understood as a process the interaction of its components within the whole (model). The methodology of the study is epistemological and ontological approaches to the study of network policy and the formation of a model of language policy, within which distinguishes such research traditions as: the historical and political way of constructing a constructive model of language policy on the basis of the interaction of political networks, whose members are pro-Ukrainian; a destructive component of the formation of this model, which is built on the basis of such political networks, whose members are anti-Ukrainian towards Ukrainian language policy. It is proved that the network structure of the language policy model is a complex of interrelated political contexts, linguistic-political sectors, concepts, concepts, paradigms, methodologies that are the building material for the formation of the specified structure (model) at one or another historical and political stage. development or development. It is stated that the content and nature of the political science context of the model of language policy depends on the language having the status of state, the ideology prevailing in the state, its history of development, and whether the state is independent and its language policy is carried out on a permanent basis. based independently and freely. Scientific novelty stems from this problem, which consists of goals and objectives that are closely related to: the network structure of a language policy model that has not yet been explored; a network policy based on the interaction of its members and the components of the model; a political network which is an important component of a network structure whose members pursue a constructive or destructive language policy; a proposed network approach that reflects the essence of political network research as a form of interaction in the context of building a language policy model. The network structure of the language policy model is a complex of interrelated political contexts, linguistic and political sectors, concepts, concepts, paradigms, methodologies that are the building material for the formation of a specified structure (model) at a particular historical and political stage of development or development. It is stated that the content and nature of the political science context of the model of language policy depends on the language having the status of state, the ideology prevailing in the state, its history of development, and whether the state is independent and its language policy is carried out on a permanent basis based independently and freely. Conclusions: Network policy depends on the quality and nature of language policy in the country, whose interests it protects, and on what basis its model will be built. In this regard, it is proved that constructive communicative relationships of members of the political network effectively influence the construction of the model of language policy, and destructive – negatively. If, in the middle of a political network, language and political problems are resolved by consensus, then it is not so easy at the internet level. This is due to the interests of the members of the political network and the values they uphold. All this requires further scientific exploration.
Keywords: network; political network; network structure; the firewall; pro-Ukrainian; pro-Russian; constructive policy; destructive politics; model of language policy; interaction.
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