Scientific-Legal and Methodical Bases of Improvement of Professional Training of Experts of Sphere of Medical Service of the Population in Ukraine


In Ukraine today, the implementation of reforms in the field of public health services and health care in general, including during the training of specialists in the field of public health services. That is why the whole sphere of medical care should be intensified and follow the established directions of activity, which determine and form certain legal consequences. The purpose of the article is to study the process of professional training in the field of health care, which determines the solution of a number of tasks, namely: the study of health care, which is at the crossroads of the reform process, identifying basic ways and mechanisms to improve this process. Scientific novelty. Actual directions of activity of the sphere of medical service of the population in the country are such as: digitalization in the sphere of medical service of the population; development of educational and research activities during the training of specialists in the field of medical care; improving the proper financing of the field of medical care; implementation of quality personnel policy in the field of medical care; improving the sanitary and epidemiological well-being of the population; development of transplantology. It is in the article that the direction of development of educational and research activities during the training of specialists in the field of medical care is described; improving the proper financing of the field of medical care. Conclusion. The following steps are proposed: introduction of the latest achievements of medicine in general practice in the field of medical care; development, improvement and implementation in practice of the latest standards to provide quality and effective medical care to the population in the treatment of cardiovascular diseases, treatment of infectious diseases, pediatric pathology, cancer, etc .; introduction of effective new methods of early prevention and diagnostic of various diseases at the appropriate stages of providing medical care to the population (during emergency medical care; during primary, secondary and tertiary medical care); determining the cause, prevention, diagnosis and treatment of pulmonary hypertension and the introduction of scientific trends in the professional activities of pulmonologists, phthisiologists and family physicians; introduction of modern programs for rehabilitation of patients with therapeutic diseases; creation of training centers where modern methods and technologies will be introduced for the purpose of multidisciplinary rehabilitation for internships; development of the latest methods of prevention, diagnosis and treatment of unexplored infectious diseases; implementation of modern measures to ensure the sanitary and epidemiological well-being of the population.

Keywords: medical care; population; health care; digitalization; scientific and legal principles; methodical principles; reforming.


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Author Biography

V. Kravets

Postgraduate Student of the Department of Public Management and Administration of the National Academy of Internal Affairs, Kyiv, Ukraine


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History of philosophy of law and Methodology of law