Empirical Model of Police Countering Domestic Violence
The paper deals with the practice of conducting empirical research in the field of the administrative legal. Its main stages are highlighted, methods of data collection, processing, analysis and interpretation are analyzed. Attention is focused on the absence in modern Ukrainian scientific research of processing the results by methods of mathematical statistics. The stages of processing, analysis and interpretation of data are demonstrated on the example of an empirical study of police officers, whose tasks description provide for the application of special measures of countering domestic violence. With the help of two-factor analysis of variance, the impact of the experience of a police officer in the police and the experience of issuing an urgent injunction on the understanding of law and the use of special measures of countering domestic violence was determined. The purpose of the article is to substantiate the need for research of administrative legal to analyze the individual experience of entities authorized to perform tasks of countering domestic violence, verify the possibility of using mathematical statistics to solve legal problems, confirm the research theoretical model with empirical results. The methodological basis of the publication were the principles of unity of theory and practice, the principle of objectivity, the dialectical principle, which provided analysis of the subject of study at the dynamic, static, analytical-synthetic, subject and interdisciplinary levels. The novelty scientific of the article is the use of two-factor analysis of variance to test the hypothesis of shortcomings in the current legislation in this area. The conclusions create prospects for further research on improving the legal framework in the field of the administrative legal application of special measures of countering domestic violence.
Keywords: monitoring; sociological survey; restrictive prescription; preventive accounting; correction program; legal understanding; law enforcement; distribution of positions; gradation of the factor; general sample.
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