Digitalization in Modern Judicial Procedure


The purpose of the article is to analyze and identify the features of the «digital court» as phenomena generated by modern information and digital culture; how that judicial activity and judicature are no exception. The methodological basis of the article is a set of methodological approaches and systems of philosophical and general scientific methods. Determinants are the method of dialectics, comparative and hermeneutic, and also constructivism and anthropology as methodological approaches. Scientific novelty.The article analyzes the changes in the domestic legal proceedings, due to the spread and application of digital technologies in all areas of social life. It is pointed out that advances in digital technologies are now being introduced in such a phenomenon as «digital court», the operation of which should improve access to justice. In modern law enforcement also presents the processes of automation and algorithms, the use of which involves the use of robots and artificial intelligence. Conclusions. Digitalization as a modern phenomenon permeates all spheres of social life. Digitization is the element of the third and fourth industrial revolution, which «work» in the field of law enforcement, in particular in litigation.

Keywords: law enforcement; legal text; digitalization; digitalization; litigation, e-court; industrial revolution; algorithmization.


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Author Biography

V. Rudiuk

Postgraduate Student of the Department of Philosophy of Law an Legal Logic of the National Academy of Internal Affairs, Kyiv, Ukraine


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Law and Politics