Logical-Semantic Aspect of Building Investigation Strategies
The purpose of the article consists in revealing of those semantic foundations of investigative logic, basing on which it could be possible to define the conditions of relevant application of different logical-heuristic and forensic methods, and also to outline a principal model of logical rationalization of approaches to investigative strategy building. Methodology. The method of comparative analysis is used for the exposure of sources of basic contradictions, traced in the most widespread methodological approaches to decision of the examined problem in modern literature. Based on the method of semantic analysis, the conditions of effectiveness of various logical and methodological tools in the field of investigative activities are determined. The methods of logical modeling, generalization and formalization are used during the elaboration of logical heuristic strategies and algorithms of investigative optimization. Scientific novelty. There’s been studied the logical and semantic foundations of the relevant application of heuristic search methods in the construction of investigation strategies. Besides, a logical model of optimization of such strategies is proposed, which is based on the mechanisms of mutual coordination of synchronic and diachronic aspects of the analysis of reproduced events. Conclusions. The construction of an effective investigation strategy involves, first of all, the development of a general model of organization of heuristic search activities. Such a model should be understood not as a “universal tool” that eliminates the need for other general and special methods, but as a methodological foundation of their system-coordinated application. The logic of rationalization of investigative actions, which is the basis of the mentioned model, should be focused on achieving the functional unity of its synchronic and diachronic aspects. The effective means of optimizing strategies and methods of investigation are connected with a combinational approach that provides a significant and timely narrowing of the search range, regarding the conditions of compatibility and achievability of the analyzed situations in the context of the available evidence.
Keywords: investigative methodology; semantic bases of logical methods; logic of investigation; investigative strategy; logical analysis of versions; synchronic and diachronic aspects of search analysis; logical criteria of provability; technology of logical arrangement of investigation.
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