Internal Law of International Organizations
The purpose of the article is to analyze existing research on the internal law of international organizations, and to define the concept, legal nature, place of internal law of international organizations in international law on the example of the internal law of United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization (UNESCO). The methodological basis of the study is composed of, inter alia, comparative-legal, systemic and historical methods of scientific knowledge. Scientific novelty. The authors examine and compare key issues and doctrinal approaches to the definition, legal nature and other issues related to the internal law of international organizations, demonstrating the features and subtleties of this issue on the example of the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO). Conclusions. Having highlighted the key issues in the context of understanding the concept and essence of such a phenomenon as the internal law of international organizations, the following conclusions can be drawn: internal law of international organizations can be considered as a system of legal rules adopted by the organs of international organization on the basis of its statute to ensure its effective functioning. Despite much controversy over the place of internal law of international organizations in the system of international law, internal law is not part of domestic or public international law, but is part of international law in the broadest sense of the term. We do not agree with scholars who consider internal law in the narrow sense and do not refer the constituent acts to its sources.
Keywords: international organizations; internal law of international organizations; internal law of UNESCO; rules of procedure of UNESCO; law of international organizations.
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