Philosophical and Legal Problems of Formation of the Right to Housing in the context of Integration International Rules of Law into National Legislation
The purpose of the study is to make proposals as for the need to develop guidelines for housing strategy as the main plan for modernisation and practical implementation of modern socio-economic state housing policy, which has to be based on the right to housing, while necessarily establishing philosophy of responsible users. Methodology. The methodological tools have been selected taking into account the purpose, specifics of the subject matter and object of research, through a systematic comparative legal analysis of international housing legislation, study of the effectiveness of implemented housing policies and modeling guidelines, taking into account historical, economic and legal aspects. Scientific novelty. It has been substantiated that the main challenge on the way to ensuring the availability of housing is the lack of strategic directions of housing policy, the imbalance of rights and responsibilities in the field of housing, the lack of psychological perception of the rights and responsibilities of all housing policy participants. Conclusions. International organisations in their acts define the problem of providing citizens with housing as a global problem of mankind and call on states to develop housing strategies aimed at implementing housing policies, which will address the issue of providing decent housing for all. In Ukraine, housing policy is formed mainly on the basis of legislation from the socialist period, and the housing strategy adopted during the independence of the state has not been actually implemented in either legal or applied sense. Therefore, there is a need to determine the guidelines that should be formed on the basis of generally accepted, norms and principles of international law, including the ones implemented in Ukraine, and the public housing policy formed on the basis of an updated strategy, has to take into account the best practices of developed countries, and ultimately has to reach goals ‒ housing has to be affordable, decent and sufficient for all categories of citizens. Citizens' housing rights and the responsibilities of the state have to be balanced, transparent and socially and economically sound.
Keywords: housing strategy; housing policy,; sufficient housing; affordable housing; decent housing; housing programs; housing rights.
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