Role of Public Election Control in Combating Criminal Offenses in the Electoral Legislation of Ukraine
The purpose of the article is to study the role of public election control in combating criminal offenses in the electoral legislation of Ukraine. To achieve it, the following tasks have been formulated: to analyze the existing scientific approaches to criminal offenses of the election legislation in the mirror of public election control; to substantiate oneʼs own scientific position on the role of public control over elections in counteracting criminal offenses of the election legislation of Ukraine. The methodology of preparation of the publication is based on the application of an intersectoral approach, which allows a more comprehensive approach to studying the role of public election control in combating criminal offenses of Ukrainian election law than would be done only within one area – constitutional or criminal law. The scientific novelty of the article is to study the role of public election control in combating criminal offenses in the electoral legislation of Ukraine. Conclusions. Public election control plays an important role in combating various criminal offenses of election law and performs three important functions: 1. Preventive function ‒ the presence of public election control is a deterrent to various criminal offenses in the election legislation of Ukraine. 2. Disclosure function – due to public control over the elections, a large number of committed criminal offenses of the election legislation of Ukraine, which were not documented by law enforcement agencies. 3. Supervisory function ‒ the activities of law enforcement agencies in the implementation of criminal proceedings for criminal offenses of election law are also subject to public scrutiny.
Keywords: public control; election; opposition; criminal offenses; election legislation of Ukraine.
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