Innovations of Legislation on Violation of Personal Data in the Field of Domestic Violence and Gender-Based Violence
The purpose and objectives of the study is to conduct a comprehensive legal analysis of changes that have occurred in the field of regulatory response to domestic violence, and in the field of practical implementation of relevant regulations, the problem of personal data violations in this area, identify shortcomings in this area. The research methodology is conditioned by the raised problems, includes, first of all, the method of system analysis, dialectical, formal-legal, formal-logical, structural-functional, comparative-legal and other methods. The normative base consists of the latest legislation of Ukraine in the field of combating domestic violence, gender-based violence, violation of personal data, etc. Scientific novelty. The issue of legal relations in the field of personal data protection related to domestic violence and gender-based violence is currently little studied in legal science. This is due to the dynamics of legislative changes and the socio-legal situation in the country, in particular, the analysis of the rules on the violation of personal data in the field of domestic and gender-based violence needs special attention. Due to the lack of a number of bylaws and the relevant mechanism for implementing the law, there are legal gaps in the risk assessment, which should precede the issuance of an urgent injunction and so on. Conclusions. The process of creating effective mechanisms for implementing state policy in the field of combating domestic violence is complex, requiring consultation with the expert community, including civil society institutions, taking into account the interests of victims of domestic violence. It is advisable to monitor the implementation of relevant provisions, analyze their effectiveness, problematic aspects, etc. based on the results of practice in this area. Therefore, the timely development of bylaws is important to ensure the effective implementation of the law in practice. It is time to develop relevant regulations to implement the Law of Ukraine «On Prevention and Counteraction to Domestic Violence», and make changes to the regulation of the Register of cases of domestic violence and gender-based violence will be able to protect staff data of victims.
Keywords: legislation of Ukraine; violation of personal data; domestic violence; gender-based violence; international standards; implementation.
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