Socrates and Ukrainian Jurisprudence: Preconditions, Present Influence and Future


The purpose of this article is a comprehensive study of the philosophical and legal heritage of Socrates, its direct reflection in the current Ukrainian legislation and the impact on current trends in philosophical and legal science. Methodology. The content of the article on the basis of onto-epistemological and historical-comparative analysis presents the author’s vision of the role and influence of the views of the ancient Greek thinker Socrates on the state, law, law, justice, and their significance for modern Ukrainian legislation and modern philosophical and legal trends. Scientific novelty. The article focuses on the relevance of Socrates’ ideas and his far-sighted views on such socially significant categories as justice, law, law, state, form of government, government. The influence of the mentioned ideas on the formation of Ukrainian jurisprudence, certain branches of law and legislation, first of all, criminal and civil law, is noted. Conclusions. An analysis of Socrates 'philosophical and legal views and his influence on modern and possibly future Ukrainian jurisprudence give grounds to assert that Socrates’ influence is extremely significant. The fact that the once «utopian» ideas of Socrates are already a reality today and have considerable prerequisites to become the basis of modern jurisprudence. This speaks of the urgency and foresight of Socrates’ ideas. He was an example of a thinker in the past and today, his ideas are relevant today and quite capable on the threshold of tomorrow.Keywords: Socrates; ancient Greek philosophy of law; enactment; law; law justice; state; form of government; state system; Ukrainian jurisprudence.


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Author Biography

R. Vandzhurak

Postgraduate Student of the Department of Philosophy of Law and Legal Logic of the National Academy of Internal Affairs, Kyiv, Ukraine


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History of philosophy of law and Methodology of law