Philosophy of Legal Reform: Worldview and Methodological Dimension

  • Yu. Kryvytskyi

    Ph.D in Law, Associate Professor, Associate Professor of the Department of Theory of State and Law of the National Academy of Internal Affairs, Kyiv, Ukraine


The purpose of the scientific article is to generalize and develop epistemological, ontological and axiological knowledge of legal reform, which gives an idea of the basic principles and value-semantic properties of its nature. The methodological basis of scientific research is a set of principles of scientific knowledge (pluralism, historicism, authenticity), methodological approaches (activity, system, axiological), general methods of thinking (analysis, synthesis, abstraction, generalization), philosophical (dialectical, metaphysical, hermeneutical) (historical, synergetic, functional, structural) and specific scientific (formal-legal, comparative-legal) methods, the application of which ensured the validity and reliability of the results of the study of the philosophy of legal reform. The scientific novelty of the publication is that for the first time revealed the ideological and methodological aspect of the philosophy of legal reform as an applied direction of philosophical and legal reflection, covering a set of epistemological, ontological and axiological philosophical knowledge; improved characterization of the cognitive potential of philosophical and legal research, as well as the systematization of their subject field; scientific ideas about the current state, significance, tendencies and branches of philosophical knowledge in the post-classical period of their development were further developed. The conclusions of the scientific article are reduced to the following provisions, namely: philosophy as a special form of spiritual and practical comprehension of the world deals with the most general, fundamental problems of its existence, unity, nature, development trends. Modern philosophy covers a wide range of knowledge that is differentiated in the field and is characterized by interdisciplinarity, variability, cross-discipline, interdisciplinarity, transdisciplinarity and more. Philosophy plays a particularly important ideological and methodological role at the critical stages of social progress and scientific knowledge, when philosophical generalizations remain almost the only coordinates that allow to organize and direct the search. Subject components of philosophical and legal analysis are the philosophy of legal science; philosophy of law; philosophy of the state as a public law institution; philosophy of branches of law (constitutional law, civil law, criminal law, international law); philosophy of certain legal phenomena and processes (human rights and their protection, justice, crime and punishment, legal education, etc.). Philosophy of legal reform is an applied direction of philosophical and legal reflection, within which the phenomenon of legal reform is understood in the most secret, essential features of its existence, as well as in the ideological and methodological dimension. This vector of philosophy of law covers a set of epistemological, ontological and axiological philosophical knowledge that gives an idea of the marginal principles of legal reform and its value-semantic properties. The philosophy of legal reform seeks to understand, comprehend not what is, but what is appropriate (ideas and meanings), reveals legal reform as it should be in terms of ideological and methodological ideals, including inalienable human rights, rule of law, legal state, civil society and more.

Keywords: philosophy; worldview; methodology; philosophy of law; philosophical and legal knowledge; philosophical and legal reflection; reform; legal reform; philosophy of legal reform.


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Author Biography

Yu. Kryvytskyi

Ph.D in Law, Associate Professor, Associate Professor of the Department of Theory of State and Law of the National Academy of Internal Affairs, Kyiv, Ukraine


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Methodology of law