Ontology of Law as a Component of Philosophical Ontology (Preliminary Considerations)
The purpose is to consider the ontology of law (legal ontology) as a component of the philosophical ontology, to identify those characteristics of the ontology of law that are inherent in the philosophical ontology and therefore inherent in the ontology of law. Methodology. The ontology of law is an element of the sphere of law that lives its life and is constantly evolving. The ontology of law is also in a state of continuous development, as a subdiscipline of the philosophy of law, it is organically connected with other philosophical and legal disciplines, as well as with the philosophical ontology; all components of the ontology of law are organically interconnected. Therefore, a dialectical method was used to study it. The genetic method (for the analysis of the process of formation of the ontology of law and philosophy of law in general) and the system-structural method (for the study of the ontology of law as a system and its structure) were also used. Scientific novelty. The mutual relations of philosophical ontology with general philosophical disciplines (philosophical anthropology, philosophical praxeology, theory of practical human activity, philosophical epistemology, philosophical axiology, philosophical semiotics and philosophical methodology) In the study of the mutual relations of the ontology of law with other basic philosophical and legal disciplines (anthropology of law, praxeology of law, theory of practical legal activity, epistemology of law, axiology of law, semiotics of law and methodology of law) are taken into account. In addition, a comparative analysis of the approaches of philosophers and lawyers to the basic question of philosophy of law as one that determines the structure of the philosophy of law and the place of the ontology of law in the system of philosophical and legal disciplines was performed. Conclusions. Relationships of legal ontology with legal anthropology, praxeology, theory of practical activity (theory of practical legal activity), epistemology, axiology, semiotics and methodology are primarily due to the interrelationships of philosophical ontology with philosophical anthropology, praxeology, theory of practical activity, epistemology, axiology, semiotics and methodology.
Keywords: ontology of law; philosophical ontology; philosophy of law; dialectic; legal reality; being.
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