Formal and Informal Aspects of Investigational Logic

  • O. Нvozdik

    Doctor of Philosophy, Professor, Professor of the Department of Philosophy of Law and Legal Logic of the National Academy of Internal Affairs, Kyiv, Ukraine


The purpose of the article consists in defining the conditions of rational combination of formal and informal aspects of logical analysis, aimed at the optimization of investigative strategies. Methodology. The method of comparative analysis is used for the exposure of sources of basic contradictions, traced in the most widespread methodological approaches to decision of the examined problem in modern literature. Based on the method of semantic analysis, the conditions of effectiveness of various logical and methodological tools in the field of investigative activities are determined.The methods of logical modeling, generalization and formalization are used during the elaboration of conceptual foundations and technological models of effective using of formal and informal analytical approaches in investigative practice. Scientific novelty. The article clarifies the relationship between the methodological functions and defines the relevance conditions of formal and informal approaches to logical analysis; in addition, it contains the model of effective combination of such approaches during the elaboration and optimization of investigative strategies. Conclusions. Formal and informal approaches to logical analysis of investigative activity are characterized by the presence of both their advantages and the corresponding methodological limitations. Therefore, in the practice of investigation, a coordinated combination of mentioned approaches in accordance with the conditions of their relevance and effective application is appropriate. Such conditions are determined by a logical model of building strategies of the investigative process, which presents the dynamics of its development in the form of a chronological sequence of synchronized states of the «picture» of the investigated events, which allows not only substantive but also structural and formal analysis.

Keywords: investigative methodology; formal and informal analysis; semantic bases of logical methods; logic of investigation; investigative strategy; logical analysis of versions; technology of logical arrangement of investigation.


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Author Biography

O. Нvozdik

Doctor of Philosophy, Professor, Professor of the Department of Philosophy of Law and Legal Logic of the National Academy of Internal Affairs, Kyiv, Ukraine


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Ontology of law