Legal Bases of the Contaminated Model International Criminal Justice
The article analyzes the legal and institutional principles of formation and activity of international criminal judicial bodies, which are related to the contaminated (mixed) model of international justice, which are of great scientific and practical interest. The purpose of the article is to determine on the basis of international legal acts, judicial practice and scientific achievements of legal and institutional principles of formation and operation of international criminal contaminated courts, features of their legal status, jurisdiction and judicial activity. The methodological basis of the article is the use of philosophical, general and special scientific methods, among which the fundamental are dialectical, comparative law, system-structural, hermeneutic, anthropological methods. The scientific novelty is that the study of the legal and institutional foundations of the formation and operation of contaminated courts in the field of international criminal justice in Ukraine is carried out for the first time. Conclusions. Coverage of the nature and features of the legal and institutional framework for the formation and operation of international criminal contaminated courts plays an important role in the fight against international crime, peace and international security. The application of a contaminated model of international criminal justice helps to increase the effectiveness of combating international crime.
Keywords: international criminal judicial body; contaminated model; legal bases; institutional base; international crimes.
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