Constitution of the Slovak Republic as a Constitution of the Fourth Generation (Worldview and Culturological Aspects)
Purpose of the article is to study the qualitative features of the current Constitution of the Slovak Republic in terms of general cultural standpoints and taking into account the specific socio-cultural context within which this document was created, based on an analysis of the latest research in the Slovak science of constitutional law. Examination became possible thanks to the analysis of the text of the current Constitution of the Slovak Republic (as amended) and the researches of representatives of the Slovak constitutional law, published in periodicals and monographic literature, which served as material for the study of this topic. Methodology. In the process of preparing the article, a sociocultural methodological approach and a number of scientific methods were applied, the most important of which are: hermeneutic, modeling, axiological, comparative legal method. This set of methodological tools ensured the integrity of understanding the role of the Constitution in the modern life of the Slovak Republic.The scientific novelty lies in the fact that the article reflects the process of creating the Constitution of the Slovak Republic, which took place in the context of the general socio-political and constitutional tendencies of the late twentieth century. The specificity of the entry into force of the Constitution of the Slovak Republic is indicated, which is represented by a two-act temporary action (through the phenomenon of the first and second entry into force). It also reflects questions about the role and significance of the Constitution in the process of integration of the Slovak Republic into the European Union. Conclusions. It is shown that the Constitution of the Slovak Republic is the constitution of the fourth generation (the so-called post-socialist), that determined the peculiarities of its content: the prevalence of provisions on human rights and their protection (as an antithesis about the past socialist way of life and compliance with the constitutional models of the world leading states); recognition and defense of the idea of cultural and historical identity of the Slovak people; taking into account the specifics of the functioning of democratic countries of the twentieth century and consolidating these democratic principles.
Keywords: constitutionalism; constitution; types of constitution; generation of constitutions; state; socio-cultural context; national identity.
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