Constitutionalism in Times of Change: Government, Society and Democracy
The purpose of the article is to determine the sources of power formation and institutional features of domestic parliamentarism, on the basis of which to outline ways to optimize it. Methodology. The methodological basis was the general dialectical method of scientific knowledge of real phenomena and their relationship with the theory and practice of optimizing domestic parliamentarism, as well as special research methods, namely: the method of system analysis, comparative law, system structure and forecasting method. Scientific novelty. Based on the analysis of constitutionalism, it is proved that in modern Ukrainian realities, power, society and democracy are at the stage of «maturing». Integration into the Western legal tradition requires a comprehensive approach in which education, science, politics, and the media act in a coordinated manner, focusing on the ultimate goal. The necessity of synchronization of norms of substantive and procedural constitutional jurisdictional law into a reliable system of mechanisms for protection of human and civil rights, freedoms, aimed at establishing the rule of law has been proved. Conclusions. Based on the analysis of the main problems and prospects of constitutionalism through the prism of the system «power – society – democracy» identified sources of power and institutional features of domestic parliamentarism. The development of constitutional justice in the conditions of systematic violation of the Basic Law of the state by some government officials is analyzed. A number of proposals for ways to optimize domestic parliamentarism have been argued. It is established that the dynamic process of digitalization of state procedures is a vector of civilizational development and strengthening the competitiveness of the state in the geopolitical dimension.
Keywords: constitutionalism; power; society; democracy; legal understanding; suffrage.
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