The Need to use a Integrated Methodology in Modern Legal Science
Topicality. Methodological support of legal knowledge is inextricably linked with the objective processes of integration of scientific knowledge at the present stage and the transition to holistic knowledge at the junction of philosophy, science, art, theology, esoterics, social sciences. The holistic knowledge of "About Everything" that was characteristic of the time of Pythagoras was developed and differentiated. Now comes the period of a new great synthesis. It can be argued that the 2.5 thousandth spiral is coming to an end and we are approaching a new holistic knowledge, but at a higher level. Jurisprudence is an integral part of such universal knowledge. Therefore, the purpose of our study is to develop a view, understanding the problems of the peculiarities of the manifestation of a holistic methodology in legal science. Methodology. The study used a number of methodologies linked "horizontally". It is a holistic, dialectical, historical, systematic, linguistic methodology with their inherent methods of cognition. Scientific novelty. The author is one of the first to raise the question of holistic methodology in general, its application in cognition, including in cognition in legal science. Integrative, systematic, unified approaches to legal cognition are poured. Research results. Cognition is an integral attribute of human life. With the dialectical unity of Matter and Consciousness, the reflection of Reality has different specifics in different spheres of knowledge. But for all its varieties, for all areas characterized by a holistic approach based on a holistic methodology. This approach is the key to further development of legal science and knowledge in it. Practical significance. Based on the fact that legal practice is inextricably linked with the development of legal science, strengthening its methodological arsenal will improve legal practice, law enforcement understanding of law is broader than just the will of the state, expressed in legal form. With the awareness of a holistic approach, lawyers-practitioners will get closer to the person, real social and individual life, to the historical circumstances in which we are.
Keywords: integrity; integration; synthesis; knowledge; holistic methodology; legal science.
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