Information Society and Global Modern Problems


Topicality It is argued that the information revolution is exacerbating societal imbalances, such as racial, class and gender inequality, and creating a new digital divide in which those with the skills and abilities to use information technology effectively benefit and others remain beyond further development. . Computer ethics studies how the design of information technology and this implementation in society can increase inequality, and how ethical policies can be developed that will lead to a fairer distribution of strengths and weaknesses. The purpose of the article is to develop and expand previous works in the field of studying the information society and global problems of today, to shed light on the philosophical or perhaps sophistic question of the information society, to consider the dynamics of the information society and the moment when the industrial society becomes informational and how this poses a new discourse to the global problems of our time. Methodology and theoretical basis of the study is the analysis of concepts of the information society, the development of global informatization in public discourse, generalization of the work of leading scientists who have empirically researched and highlighted recent developments in this topic. The scientific novelty is that the latest dynamic changes in society pose daily challenges to modern humanity, in this article we will consider the thesis of the information society from new perspectives to explain technological changes and social consequences of globalization that have led to new theoretical views on technology and society. The results obtained and the main conclusions are that the information society emerges when more than half of the nation's workforce can be called information workers, and this has already been achieved in many Western countries. In recent years, critics and supporters of the information society have shifted theory and research from social theory at the macro level to more empirical studies of many assumptions. Research has become more focused on the social formation of technologies and their consequences, the role of information and computer technology and related factors and new paradigm patterns. Practical significance Study includes an ethical analysis of global paradigms imposed by supranational structures to create a new global ideology of consumption. In the modern information society there are serious contradictions in obtaining, selecting, interpreting, composing, producing and disseminating information to influence the formation of public consciousness and culture, to encourage public actors (politics, economics, spiritual sphere) to programmed or spontaneous actions in a given direction.


Keywords: globalism; informatization; access; financial influence; computer technology; social communication; technical progress.


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Author Biography

A. Masian

Postgraduate Student of the Department of Legal Psychology of the National Academy of Internal Affairs, Kyiv, Ukraine


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Ontology of law