State Regime of the Russian Federation: Separate Political and Legal Dimensions
Taking into account the approaches formed by the national legal doctrine to determine the essence and content, classifications of the state political and legal regime, an attempt was made to determine the features and determinants of the modern state regime of the Russian Federation. It is emphasized that the latter arose as a result of the transformation of the USSR regime and now simultaneously has signs of both a totalitarian and democratic regime, followed by the strengthening of the features inherent in classical totalitarianism. The research methodology is a set of scientific methods, including general scientific and special methods of cognition, namely: formal-logical, system-functional, comparative-legal, etc. According to the classical doctrinal approach, political and legal regimes are divided into democratic and anti-democratic – totalitarian and authoritarian. The practice of state-building testifies to the absence of pure forms and the existence of regimes that actually combine the features of several of them. Sometimes these modes are called hybrid modes. It is emphasized that at the constitutional level in the Russian Federation all the so-called attributes of a democratic state are enshrined, which declare and should have formed and determined the essence of the state regime in the country. The practice of state-building, due to a number of objective and subjective factors, determined the peculiarities of the Russian state regime: the absence of a strong civil society that cannot really influence the adoption of political or legal decisions, protect their interests; the values of Russian Orthodoxy, as traditional, are proclaimed as part of the state ideology; the lack of the right to opposition and independence of the court; excessive concentration of power and increasing the authority of the head of the country; increasing the role of special services, the purpose of which is to protect the regime; increasing the top of state power and big business; weakness of authoritative political elites, manifested in their inability to produce patterns of behavior, to be a source of progress, etc.
Keywords: anti-democratic regime; totalitarianism; Russian Federation; state formation; political and legal regime; ideology; extremism; international law.
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