Certain Proposals for Reforming the State Housing Policy of Ukraine in the War and Postwar Period

  • S. Komnatniy

    Ph.D in Pedagogy, Doctoral Student of the Department of Philosophy of Law and Legal Logic of the National Academy of Internal Affairs, Kyiv, Ukraine



The purpose of the study is to make proposals to take several urgent measures to respond to the challenges posed by the war in the protection and provision of housing rights of Ukrainian citizens, mainly internally displaced persons. Methodology. Methodological tools were selected, considering the purpose, specifics of the subject, and object of the study, through a systematic comparative legal analysis of the regulations of Ukraine, comparing the need for housing in the pre-war and war periods. In addition, the research methodology includes the data analysis and recommendations of the international organizations involved in the field of human rights protection. Scientific novelty. As a consequence of the large-scale destruction of housing infrastructure in Ukraine caused by the military aggression of the Russian Federation, there is an urgent need to take measures to reform the state housing policy in Ukraine to alleviate the crisis of a lack of sufficient social housing. However, before everything else, it is necessary to study at the scientific and legal levels the possibility of taking rapid – possibly temporary response measures to address the issue of housing for citizens of Ukraine, especially those whose housing is destroyed or is in the temporarily occupied territories. Conclusions. Current regulations in the field of housing policy do not provide opportunities to adequately impact the challenges of the time to address the problem of housing for the citizens under the martial law and cannot be considered practical tools in the large-scale process of the internal displacement in Ukraine. Social and temporary housing funds have not been formed, and housing distribution conditions do not meet current needs. Therefore, it is necessary to take immediate measures to reform the state housing policy to create funds for such housing and to review the conditions for the provision and use of these housing funds in the war and postwar period.

Keywords: housing policy; housing rights; social housing fund; internally displaced persons.


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Author Biography

S. Komnatniy

Ph.D in Pedagogy, Doctoral Student of the Department of Philosophy of Law and Legal Logic of the National Academy of Internal Affairs, Kyiv, Ukraine


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Law and Politics