Peculiarities of Resistance to Domestic Violence in Ukraine: Philosophical and Methodological Aspect


Topicality of the article is dictated by the need to ensure a comprehensive integrated approach to overcoming violence in Ukraine and protecting the rightsvictims of domestic violence by preventing violence, effective response to violence, assistance and protection to victims, compensation for damages, proper investigation of violence and bringing perpetrators to justice. Given the relevance of the chosen topic, the purpose of this study is to identify the features of the implementation of state policy in the field of preventing and countering domestic violence by authorized entities, which are responsible for the application of special measures to countering domestic violence. Methodology. It is provided with traditional conceptual approaches using dialectical-materialist method, methods of analysis, synthesis, deduction, induction, functional, system-structural, historical-legal, comparative-legal, hermeneutic, formal-dogmatic methods, methods of sociological research and statistics. The results obtained. The system of subjects of prevention and countering to domestic violence is described, the role and place in it of the authorities authorized to apply special measures on countering to domestic violence is defined. The mechanism of interaction of authorized subjects in the application of special measures to countering domestic violence is presented. The results obtained. The implementation of state policy in the field of preventing and countering domestic violence today is carried out through the activities of authorized entities that perform tasks to countering domestic violence, ensure the organization of special measures in accordance with their competence. In the interaction of the National Police of Ukraine and the court of paramount importance are the units of preventive activities that implement the systematic functioning of preventive accounting of offenders, provide preparation and submission of materials for trial in cases of administrative offenses, participate in forming evidence for civil proceedings. Practical significance. The study describes the system of authorized entities that implement state policy in the field of preventing and countering domestic violence. The role and place of bodies implementing measures of countering domestic violence and authorized to apply special measures of countering domestic violence in the general system of prevention and counteraction to domestic violence have been determined. The mechanism of interaction of authorized subjects in the application of special measures of countering domestic violence is presented.


Keywords: authorized subjects; special measures; state policy; prevention; order.


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Author Biography

І. Horbach-Kudria

Ph.D in Law, Lecturer of the Department of Police Law of the National Academy of Internal Affairs, Kyiv, Ukraine


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Philosophical problems of particular branches of law studies