Covid-19 Pandemic and Domestic and Gender-Forced Violence
Topicality. The scientific article highlights the state and prospects of solving the problems related to domestic, gender-based violence during the COVID-19 pandemic. The author singles out the achievements, problems, as well as areas for improving the system of measures aimed at counteracting these negative phenomena, taking into account foreign experience. The aim of the article is to analyze the interaction and relationship between the COVID-19 pandemic, domestic and gender-based violence, comparative legal research on this issue and find ways to solve it in EU member states, USA, China and Ukraine. One of the key tasks should be the preparation of appropriate proposals aimed at effective prevention, disclosure of the facts of such illegal acts and bringing the perpetrators to justice, as well as preventing the spread of such negative phenomena in the future. The methodological tools of the study are a set of numerous methods and techniques, approaches, on the basis of which the study of the stated issues. The anthropocentric approach seems to be decisive, along with the dialectical and axiological, systemic and activity, as well as others. Scientific novelty. The exacerbation of the COVID-19 pandemic in Ukraine was in fact accompanied by an avalanche of unemployment and problems caused by government decisions: failure to provide adequate psychiatric treatment, migrant workers, and large numbers of children returning home from boarding schools without proper social adjustment. It should be noted the role of the above-mentioned direct government institutions, which are closest to the post-natives, in particular, local governments, law enforcement agencies, human rights and other public organizations, as well as caring neighbors or ordinary residents. Information campaigns aimed at disseminating awareness of these negative social phenomena, their possible consequences and the first steps in cases where individuals become victims of domestic and gender-based violence, including during the COVID-19 pandemic, armed conflict, etc., are extremely important. The results obtained. The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the intensification of domestic, gender-based violence is obvious. etc. One of the priority tasks in preventing and combating these types of violence is to prepare and conduct systematic information campaigns aimed at raising awareness of potential victims, including women and children, about domestic violence, gender-based violence, and possible assistance measures, including number during isolation. Public authorities and local governments in Ukraine are called upon to make every effort to identify children and women who have experienced violence in self-isolation, to systematically monitor and ensure the organization and operation of a network of accessible facilities to support and rehabilitate victims of domestic violence, gender-based violence. This requires an increase in funding from state and local budgets, material and technical base and the necessary human resources. It is important to organize social procurement with the help of non-governmental institutions and intergovernmental organizations, international projects and programs aimed at providing quality services to victims of domestic, gender-based violence. Attention should be paid to the implementation of effective preventive measures in case of other pandemics, aimed at minimizing their consequences at the local, national and international levels. After all, in the conditions of Ukrainian reality, namely in the conditions of the legal regime of martial law, the armed aggression of the Russian Federation, there are numerous illegal acts, such as mass murder, rape, torture, etc., including gender-based violence against peaceful civilians, prisoners of war. Therefore, the victims need proper attention and support from both the state and relevant professionals and, of course, the most severe punishment. Practical significance. The provisions of the study and its conclusions appear to be useful directly to government institutions, in particular local governments, law enforcement agencies, human rights and other non-governmental organizations, as well as victims of domestic and gender-based violence, including during the COVID pandemic. -19, armed conflicts, etc.
Keywords: gender equality; COVID-19 pandemic; domestic violence; gender-based violence; information campaigns; warnings.
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