Digital Constitutionalism: a New Paradigm and Prospects for Development in Ukraine
Topicality. Over the past twenty years, there has been a shift in the field of digital technologies from a liberal perspective to a constitutional strategy, defined today as digital constitutionalism. The digital transformation of society has led to a paradigm shift due to the fact that the state power no longer acts as a monopoly regulator regarding the observance of constitutional principles. Modern Internet platforms are increasingly taking over regulatory functions, giving rise to reservations regarding the protection of users’ rights from the autonomous discretion of private companies, because their activities are not regulated at the constitutional level. This necessitates the development of new conceptual approaches to the development of constitutional democracy in the conditions of competitive confrontation between state power and the private sector. The purpose of the publication is the study of digital constitutionalism – a new scientific concept, which today marks, on the one hand, the transformation of traditional constitutionalism to new digital realities, and on the other hand, the constitutionalization of the regulation of relations on the Internet. Methodology. In view of the fact that this topic is practically unstudied in Ukraine, the methods of synthesis and analysis of the scientific work of primarily European scientists were chosen, as well as the comparative method, the use of which is expedient due to the lack of a unanimous approach to understanding the phenomenon of digital constitutionalism. Scientific novelty. The publication is the first domestic research in which the concept of «digital constitutionalism» is explored from a philosophical and legal perspective, the reasons that led to its development are studied, and the prospects for a possible normative regulation of relations in the digital environment are indicated. Results of the research. A comprehensive analysis of worldview, legal and ethical problems that arise in the context of digital constitutionalism is carried out. The issue of protecting so-called fundamental rights and democratic values from challenges related to the power of online platforms is highlighted. The formation of a new constitutional paradigm, which covers the implementation and protection of digital human rights, is underway. Practical significance. Formulated principles and features of digital constitutionalism, possible directions of its development will contribute to domestic doctrinal development of this issue and further development of the relevant legislative framework.
Keywords: digital constitutionalism; digitalization; digital rights; power; digital society; legal regulation of the Internet.
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