Limiting the Rights of Public Officials: Problematic Issues

  • O. Shershel

    – Postgraduate  Student of the  of  the  Department  of  Philosophy of  Law and  Legal Logic of the National Academy of Internal Affairs, Kyiv, Ukraine


Topicality. Lustration, electronic declaration and other measures aimed to reform the state administration make the necessity of both theoretical and practical investigation of legality of restrictions of the public servants’і rights. The methodological basis of the study was a systematic approach to certain aspects of the legal regulation of restrictions of the public servants rights. Solving the problems raised in the article is impossible without also applying the anthropological method. Scientific novelty. The publication formulates problematic issues of legal regulation of restrictions on the rights of public servants. It was concluded that the establishment of restrictions of the rights of public servants is determined by the public interest and a specific historical stage of the state’s development. The article emphasizes the need for public servants to observe moral and ethical norms, as well as the self-restraint of public servants. Practical significance. The conditions of legality of restriction of the rights of restrictions of the rights of public persons are defined. The conditions for the legality of the restriction of the rights of public persons have been determined.

Keywords: restrictions of the rights; public servants; legality; public interests; self-limitation.


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Author Biography

O. Shershel

– Postgraduate  Student of the  of  the  Department  of  Philosophy of  Law and  Legal Logic of the National Academy of Internal Affairs, Kyiv, Ukraine


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Philosophical problems of particular branches of law studies