The Logical Aspect of Planning and Conducting an Interrogation

  • Oleh HVOZDIK

    Doctor of Philosophic, Professor, Professor of the Department of Philosophy of Law
    and Legal Logic of the National Academy of Internal Affairs

    Kyiv, Ukraine


Abstract. The effectiveness of the investigation largely depends on the reliability of the information received during the conduct of such an investigative action as an interrogation. In turn, this reliability is determined by the rationality of the planning and conduct of the latter, the criteria of which are set at the level of the logical foundations of the investigation methodology. At the same time, the logical aspect of the organization of the interrogation has not been studied in the domestic scientific literature and is rather poorly presented in foreign sources. In particular, the methodological means of logic were not studied in terms of the possibilities of their contribution to the optimization of interrogation strategies. Therefore, the purpose of this article is to outline the ways of effective application of logical analysis in planning and conducting investigative actions aimed at obtaining and evaluating oral or written information from interrogated persons. Methodology. The method of comparative analysis was used to identify common points and differences in approaches to the interpretation and solution of the mentioned problems. The dominant trends in modern studies of the logical foundations of the effective construction of procedures for obtaining investigative information from interrogated persons were determined by the method of inductive generalization. The method of critical analysis was applied in the evaluation of common methodological concepts in this field from the point of view of their reasonableness and logical acceptability. The method of logical formalization was used to clearly present the fundamental bases of the rationalization of investigative actions in the form of generalized formulas. Based on the method of logical-semantic analysis, the conditions of application relevance were determined a methodological toolkit of modern logic for optimizing approaches to planning and conducting an interrogation. The method of logical modeling made it possible to set the fundamental foundations of logical reconstruction of the dynamics of investigated crime picture, from the point of view of which the testimony obtained during the interrogation should be evaluated. Scientific novelty. The logical principles of rationalization of approaches to planning and conducting an interrogation are formulated and substantiated. In particular, the principles of logical-model reconstruction of the picture of the investigated events are outlined, from the point of view of which the purpose, content and order of asking questions during the interrogation should be determined, as well as the evidence received during the interrogation should be evaluated. Research results. Logical-model reconstruction of crime picture, which is based on the coordination of its dynamic and static aspects, as well as objective and subjective-target parameters, is a significant factor in the rationalization of the planning and conducting of the interrogation; in addition, such an approach is characterized by significant "sensitivity" when used as a methodological tool for distinguishing between reliable and unreliable testimonies given by interrogated persons. Practical significance. The methodological approach described in the article opens up quite wide possibilities in terms of optimizing the strategies and methods of conducting the interrogation, as well as evaluating the information received during its conduct

Keywords: investigation methodology; interrogation; interrogation planning; logic-model reconstruction; interrogation logic; interrogation rationalization


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Author Biography


Doctor of Philosophic, Professor, Professor of the Department of Philosophy of Law
and Legal Logic of the National Academy of Internal Affairs

Kyiv, Ukraine


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Philosophy and philosophy of law