Values of European Choice of Ukraine and Legal Pedagogics
Abstract. The relevance of the article is due to the need for a comprehensive approach to understanding and analyzing important issues of the anthropogenic era, the values of human development on a planet where the quality of life has come first. These issues are especially important in the context of the global pandemic of the COVID-19 coronavirus and the initiated military aggression of the Russian Federation against Ukraine. The purpose of the article is to study basic European, national and pedagogical values and their relationship with legal pedagogy. Methodology. The methodology is provided by an axological approach using the dialectical-materialist method, the method of analysis, comparative analysis, modeling, and the study of advanced pedagogical experience. Scientific novelty. This is one of the first interdisciplinary studies, which presents an attempt to comprehensively investigate the relationship between universal, European and national values, based on the philosophy of education, general, legal and pedagogical axiology. The results obtained. The development of the countries of the world is greatly influenced by their constitutional traditions and international agreements. In the European space, the main values are respect for human dignity, freedom, democracy, equality, the rule of law, respect for human rights, etc. The national values of Ukraine, honoring their historical memory and their modernization, human capital and human resources, problems of their development, which cannot be separated from education, health, national achievements and the safety of the planet as a whole, are clearly distinguished. The main attention in the world system is given to humanistic values. It was established that values in legal and pedagogical science are still under discussion. Methodological aspects of their definition include the values of education, legal and legal pedagogical education, their subjective and subjective-objective category, complex integrative personality formation, which also affects their classification
Keywords: values; axiology; national values; legal pedagogy; education; European integration; human capital; personality
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