The Concept of a Criminal Offense in the System of Definitions of Anti-Social Behavior
Abstract. The article is devoted to the philosophical and legal methodology of determining the main features of a criminal offense and its place in the system of general legal categories, including: offense, illegal behavior, misdemeanor, delict, as well as sociological concepts: antisocial, antisocial, deviant, immoral behavior. Given the fact that from a philosophical and legal point of view, the overly extended use of the concept of "public danger" in criminal law as a characteristic feature of a criminal offense is not sufficiently justified, the latter term indicates only the possibility of action. At the same time, it is noted that the concept of a criminal offense combines the characteristics of all previous definitions, but is not limited to them. The purpose of the article is to study of the concept of a criminal offense in the system of definitions of antisocial behavior, as well as the formulation of scientifically based proposals and recommendations regarding the improvement of the national criminal law doctrine in view of the content of such a concept. The methodological basis of the research is the system of methods of scientific knowledge. In order to reveal the subject of the study, both general scientific and special methods of learning generally accepted legal phenomena were used. Among such methods, in particular, induction, deduction, systemic, formal-legal, generalization, logical analysis, synthesis, analysis of results. In the context of the protective, educational and regulatory functions of criminal law, the article examines the scientific debate on the definition of the concept of a criminal offense, which is connected with the justification in the Criminal Code of Ukraine of public danger as the main feature of a criminal offense, since this feature is not found in other codes, although it has sufficiently broad content. Criminal law, in addition to other objects, always protects the social and political system. Through the prism of these considerations, the issue of replacing public danger as the main feature of a criminal offense with the concept of social harm was raised, in order to prioritize the protection of individual interests, subordinating the state interest to it. Given the general historical trend of decriminalization of the criminal law and its humanistic essence, a philosophical and legal definition of a criminal offense is proposed. Highlighting the problematic criminal offenses in the system of defining antisocial behavior enables its legislators and law enforcement agencies to effectively respond to them and take all measures to resolve them
Keywords: criminal offense; crime; antisocial behavior; antisocial behavior; deviant behavior; immorality; illegality
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