Right of Police Officers to Appropriate Medical Care in Ukraine: Problems of Conceptualization and Provision


Topicality. The protection of human rights is a key topic in the science of constitutional law. Employees of law enforcement agencies, in particular police officers, stand guard over legality, law, and order, protecting the rights, freedoms, and legitimate interests of a person and a citizen. At the same time, law enforcement officers themselves, as citizens of Ukraine, may face a situation of violation of their rights during the performance of their official duties or in their personal life. Working in specific conditions, especially during martial law, policemen must be guaranteed appropriate medical care, the main aspects of which are not fully covered by legal science, and therefore require further scientific research. The purpose of the article is to reveal the essence of the right of police officers to appropriate medical care in Ukraine and to determine the methods of its protection. The methodological basis is based on general scientific and special legal methods, approaches, and principles. Fundamental in this context is complex and systemic approaches, along with anthropological, axiological, and instrumental, as well as formal-logical, formal-legal, comparative-legal methods, as well as methods of analysis and synthesis. The scientific novelty consists in the formulation of a number of new improvements to the provisions and conclusions existing in legal science regarding the understanding of the right of police officers to appropriate medical care in Ukraine, and determining ways of protecting this right. A key aspect of appropriate medical care as a type of social care is obtaining the necessary medical care (services). Research results. The main problematic issues related to the appropriate medical care of police officers are singled out. The administration of health care institutions, especially the system of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine, must create all conditions to provide police officers with timely and high-quality medical care. The insufficient level of funding for the medical care of police officers does not allow the full implementation of the constitutional provisions on free medical care in Ukraine. The introduction of additional and effective functioning of departmental medicine on an insurance basis will create conditions for police officers to receive medical care at the appropriate level. Practical significance. Protection of the rights of police officers should be carried out not only by the law enforcement officers themselves but also by other institutions – the ombudsman, judicial bodies, etc. Conceptualization of the protection of the rights, freedoms, and legitimate interests of police officers should take into account the existing assets of domestic and foreign scientists and needs further scientific research


Keywords: rights of police officers; health care; appropriate medical care; medical aid; medical service


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Author Biographies


Ph.D in Law, Chief Operations Officer of the National Police of Ukraine

Kyiv, Ukraine


Chief Operations Officer of the National Police of Ukraine

Kyiv, Ukraine


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Philosophy and philosophy of law