Philosophical Dimension of Government Legitimacy During the Period Of Existential War: the Experience of Ukraine in the XX–XXI Centuries
Abstract. The purpose of the article is to use the example of Ukrainian statehood to carry out a doctrinal analysis of the nature of the legitimacy of Ukrainian power and its factors during the period of Russia's permanent existential war against Ukraine, both in historical retrospect and with a political and legal analysis in the conditions of martial law. The methodological basis of the research is based on general scientific and special legal methods. The key is an axiological approach using comparative law, historical, epistemological, content analysis, dialectical and other methods of scientific research. The scientific novelty consists in the philosophical and legal reflection and development of specific proposals regarding the further legal and organizational improvement of the work of state institutions, strengthening the legitimacy of the government in the conditions of permanent threats from the historical enemy of Ukraine – the Russian Federation. An analysis of the nature of the legitimacy of the government in the conditions of martial law and historical retrospect with modeling of future challenges based on the political and legal experience of Ukrainian state-building was carried out. The main factors of the legitimacy of the government in a democratic society are recognized as the level of trust in the electoral system and the turnout of voters, the quality of laws and other normative acts (compliance of the written norm with the real possibility of its enforcement), a politically impartial and professional state apparatus, the stability and uninterrupted work of institutions during the period of the special legal regime martial law or state of emergency, the level of public trust in state institutions, compliance of government actions with the norms of the Constitution of Ukraine and the achievement of legitimate goals of their implementation. The practical significance of the study of the outlined issues lies in the possibility of developing the most effective models of political forecasting and state-building
Keywords: legitimacy; constitutionalism; power; democracy; war; martial law; sovereignty; philosophy; state institutions; policy; parliament; state formation
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