Novelization of the Constitution of Ukraine (Epistemological Aspect)
The objectively existing needs of Ukrainian society, humanity as a whole, are determined both by the desire for development and improvement of certain spheres of life, and by the need to respond to the challenges that have already arisen before them, or that can be predicted in view of the existing reality, acquired experience, prompt to the implementation of scientific investigations and the development of practical proposals regarding the conceptualization of legal (in particular, constitutional) provision of their solution (prevention, normalization). At the same time, it seems important to know the processes of revising the Constitution of Ukraine as the main source of the national legal system, the basis of the current legislation, in particular, the dialectic of objective and subjective, research other than making changes to the text, ways of changing the constitutional reality. The purpose of the publication is to study the amendment of the Constitution of Ukraine, its methods, in order to ensure, on the one hand, the stability of constitutional regulation, protection from unnecessary, unnecessary correction of its text, and on the other hand, its adequacy to the further development of society, the state in legal democratic progress. The research uses a complex of general scientific and special methods of cognition, in particular, hermeneutic, formal-logical, system-functional. In the article, for the first time, what is the novelization of the Constitution of Ukraine, the definition of this concept is formulated, the methods of updating the Basic Law of Ukraine are highlighted, the importance of assessing the historical moment, intention, objective and subjective factors of the relevant processes and assessing their consequences is emphasized. The study will be useful in shaping the constitutional reality in a constitutional way by the relevant powerful subjects, without unnecessary upheavals and the adoption of hasty constitutional changes. Taking into account the comments presented in the article will, on the one hand, ensure the effectiveness and sufficiency of constitutional regulation, and, as a result, its stability, on the other hand, a wider use of the possibilities of amendment without making changes to the text of the Constitution of Ukraine, based on fundamental constitutional principles, values Keywords: novelization of the Constitution; prerogative powers; constitutional doctrine; constitutional values; constitutional reality; stability of the ConstitutionDownloads
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