Problem of Establishing the Truth during Criminal Proceedings
Abstract. The purpose of the article is to search for objective criteria, on the basis of which it is possible to conclude whether establishing the truth is currently the task of the modern criminal process, or whether it is supplanted by the principle of competition. It is substantiated that the search for an answer to the decided question is impossible without an analysis of the means of proving and establishing the truth available in criminal procedural legislation, as well as without taking into account the provisions of modern theories of understanding the truth, including the "postmodern" theory, which denies the existence of truth as such. The article uses the method of comparative analysis to identify the main sources of contradictions that arise when justifying the necessity or, conversely, the impracticality of establishing the truth in criminal proceedings, and the method of scientific synthesis to determine the main aspects of the problem of establishing the truth and assigning them to a certain group. The scientific novelty of the proposed approach lies in the need for a comprehensive analysis of the problem of establishing the truth in criminal proceedings by dividing it into three aspects: normative, methodological and philosophical. It was concluded that the search for an answer to the question of whether it is possible and necessary to establish the truth in a criminal trial, through the prism of only one or two of the mentioned aspects, usually does not lead to a result. Only a positive answer to the specified question within the framework of each of the three proposed aspects of the problem of establishing the truth allows one to make a reasonable statement about its existence and the need to establish it
Keywords: criminal process; truth; the principle of competitiveness; postmodernism; post-truth; the narrative
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