Analysis of Crime: Problems of Terminology

  • Vasyl SHAKUN

    Doctor of Law, Professor, Academician of the National Academy
    of Legal Sciences of Ukraine,

    Professor of the Department of Criminal Law of the National Academy
    of Internal Affairs

    Kyiv, Ukraine


Abstract. The article provides a scientific review of the main modern scientific approaches to understanding crime. The systematic and phenomenological foundations of crime research are analyzed. The opinion about the fragmentation of general theoretical criminological knowledge about crime and the need to synthesize their separate elements on complementary methodological bases is supported. The concept of crime is proposed as an integral component of human relationships, which accompanies society at all stages of its development and reflects the behavior of individual individuals, which other members of society perceive as criminal offenses. The specifics of the legal approach to crime as a collective concept - a set or even a system of criminal offenses – are considered. As a result, we have the concept of crime as a set of criminal offenses of one or more types, which have a mass character and are regularly repeated in the country or a separate region during a certain period of time. this approach is the result of criminological analysis of crime. The criminological analysis itself is an approach, a component of a broader concept – "crime analysis". It has been proven that the analysis can be forensic, which is based on the norms of criminal procedural legislation and is aimed at studying the patterns of criminal activity and its reflection in information sources, which serve as the basis for the development of means, techniques and methods of collecting, researching, evaluating and using evidence for the purpose investigation, trial and prevention of criminal offences.


Keywords: crime; method; analysis; criminological analysis;, forensic analysis; criminology; criminalistics; warning; prevention.


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Author Biography


Doctor of Law, Professor, Academician of the National Academy
of Legal Sciences of Ukraine,

Professor of the Department of Criminal Law of the National Academy
of Internal Affairs

Kyiv, Ukraine


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Philosophy and philosophy of law