Novelization of the Constitution of Ukraine (Axiological Aspect)


Abstract. The topicality of the article lies in the need to emphasize the need to take into account the defining and necessary axiological aspect of the amendment of the Constitution of Ukraine. The issue of amending the Constitution of Ukraine objectively belongs to the "top" topics; attempts to "improve" the Constitution of Ukraine for various reasons, in various ways, with various consequences, both on objective and subjective grounds, have been taking place since its adoption and are a continuous process. Currently, it is logical to predict a further increase with the approach of Ukraine's victory in the war with Muscovy in the number of proposals by politicians and scientists regarding the amendment of the Constitution of Ukraine, in particular, its adoption in a new edition or as a new document. At the same time, the danger of manipulating public opinion increases, in particular, the use of populism, lobbying for the interests of certain groups as opposed to national ones, etc. Therefore, the purpose of the publication is to study the axiological aspect of the amendment of the Constitution of Ukraine, regardless of the method, the subject of its implementation. The research uses a complex of general scientific and special methods of cognition, in particular formal-logical, system-functional. The scientific novelty of the article is the study of the amendment of the Constitution of Ukraine with regard to the axiological aspect, namely the need to preserve the already enshrined constitutional values, ensure their effectiveness, and, if necessary, the constitutionalization of those values that have been inherent to Ukrainians since time immemorial, are necessary for the dignity of a person, the prosperity of the nation, development of a democratic social legal state. The practical significance lies in providing relevant subjects with a theoretical basis for developing proposals for amending the Constitution of Ukraine.


Keywords: amendments to the Constitution; creation of the Constitution; constitutional values; constitutional reality; legal culture.


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Author Biography


Postgraduate Student of the Department of Philosophy of Law and Legal Logic
of the National Academy of Internal Affairs

Kyiv, Ukraine


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Philosophy and philosophy of law