Methodological Approaches in the Study of Human Rights Restrictions


    Postgraduate  Student of the of the Department  of  Philosophy of  Law and  Legal Logic of the National Academy of Internal Affairs

    Kyiv, Ukraine


Abstract. Determination of the methodology is an important stage of scientific research, which determines its content and conclusions. The purpose of this article is theoretical analysis (reflection) of positive and natural understandings of law, and accordingly choosing the best cognitive means of determining the legality of limitation of human rights. The methodological basis was anthropological and systemic methods. Considering the multifaceted nature limitation of human rights, the existence of conflicting points of view on this issue, was used dialectic method. Scientific novelty of the publication is the statement about necessary to use methodology of natural law theory and legalunderstanding in a reasonable combination, with an emphasis on the naturalness, priority and universality of human rights, when researching the issue of limiting human rights. Practical significance. The methodological approach presented in the article regarding the search for harmony between positive and natural law can be used to situations when considering the legality or illegality of limitation of human rights established by laws.


Keywords: methodology; limitation of human rights; anthropology; hermeneutics; natural law theory; legalunderstanding; universality; liberalism; communitarianism.


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Author Biography


Postgraduate  Student of the of the Department  of  Philosophy of  Law and  Legal Logic of the National Academy of Internal Affairs

Kyiv, Ukraine


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Philosophy and philosophy of law