Theoretical and Methodological Principles of Research of Carrying out Covert Investigative (Detective) Actions by Authorized Persons in Criminal Proceedings
Abstract. The relevance of the scientific article is due to the fact that the systematic scientific development of the theoretical and methodological foundations of research of carrying out covert investigative (detective) actions by authorized persons in criminal proceedings can ensure not only the acquisition of complex and objective data that contribute to the development of the theoretical provisions of covert investigative (detective) actions, but also provides solutions to problematic practical situations, providing authorized persons with an effective tool in the form of methodological recommendations for the effective conduct of such procedural actions. The purpose of the scientific article is the formation of the theoretical and methodological foundations of research of carrying out covert investigative (detective) actions by authorized persons in criminal proceedings. Taking into account the specificity of the subject and the purpose of the research, the methodological toolkit is represented by a system of philosophical, general scientific and special methods to ensure a comprehensive study of the subject of research. The key results of the study are the substantiation of the fact that during the development of the research methodology of conducting covert investigative (detective) actions by authorized persons, it is important to take into account the multi-level methodological toolkit, which should be based on a wide range of closely related methods that complement each other. The author pays detailed attention to such methods of scientific knowledge as philosophical (dialectical), formal science (method of formalization, analysis, synthesis, induction, deduction, method of idealization, observation, comparing, modeling) and special methods of criminal procedure (legal modeling, comparative method, observation) and forensic (criminalistic version, forensic planning, forensic analysis of the situation, forensic experimentation) sciences. The practical value of scientific statistics lies in the clarified methodological significance of the praxeological approach for monitoring the implementation of secret (surveillance) sound activities by senior individuals. This is due to the fact that the theory of the criminal process and criminology is oriented towards the emergence of their uninterrupted tasks as applied sciences. The author came to the conclusion that the theoretical and methodological principles of the study of covert investigative (detective) actions by authorized persons in criminal proceedings are aimed both at establishing scientific truth and at solving practical problems in the context of investigation.
Keywords: methods of scientific knowledge; methodology; crime; philosophical methods; general scientific methods; special methods; criminal process; criminology; investigator; operational units.
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