Mechanism for the Protection of Human Rights within the Framework of the League of Arab States (Historical Aspect)
Abstract. The article examines the provisions of the Charter of the League of Arab States regarding individual and collective rights, analyzes the provisions of the Arab Charter of Human Rights regarding compliance with generally recognized international standards for the protection of human rights. Respecting and observing human rights is one of the most important tasks of the world community today. Respect for human rights is the basis of freedom and justice of any developed state. The principle of respect for human rights is an agreed recognition of obligations to observe, promote and ensure guarantees of basic human rights and freedoms at all levels of state power. After the adoption of the UN Charter and the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, and the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights and the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, a system of control over compliance by states with their obligations under international human rights law is created. The UN Charter obliges states to improve respect for human rights. The Universal Declaration of Human Rights underlies all international human rights law. The General Assembly proclaims this Universal Declaration of Human Rights as a task to which all peoples and all states must strive so that every person and every organ of society, always bearing in mind this Declaration, strives through education to promote respect for these rights and freedoms and to ensure, through national and international progressive measures, their general and effective recognition and implementation both among the peoples of the member states of the Organization and among the peoples of the territories under their jurisdiction. This topic determines the relevance of this article, which analyzes the creation and functioning of the international intergovernmental regional organization of the League of Arab States, while investigating the creation of an inter-Arab mechanism for the protection of human rights within the framework of the League of Arab States, as well as the position of Islamic states regarding the creation of international human rights mechanisms.
Keywords: human rights; state; policy; international law; League of Arab States; Arab Charter of Human Rights; Universal Declaration of Human Rights; United Nations.
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