Mechanism of Administrative and Legal Regulation of Volunteering Activities in Ukraine


    PhD in Law, Associate Professor, Deputy Director of the Educational and Research
    Institute of Law and Psychology of the National Academy of Internal Affairs
    Kyiv, Ukraine



Abstract. In the context of a full-scale war, volunteer activities in Ukraine have gained particular significance as a tool for supporting national security and public order. This article is devoted to examining the mechanism of administrative-legal regulation of volunteer activities under martial law, a topic whose relevance stems from the need for legal support and protection of volunteers. The aim of this work is to study the administrative-legal aspects of regulating volunteer activities, including legal norms, administrative-legal relations, legal facts, and the principle of legality, which form the legal basis for volunteer initiatives. The research employs a comprehensive approach, incorporating methods of legal analysis, comparative law, and systematization of regulatory legal acts. The main findings of the study highlight the importance of legal protection for volunteers, particularly in clearly defining their status, social guarantees, and the legal foundations for their interaction with state authorities. It has been established that the administrative-legal status of a volunteer during wartime requires legislative clarification, which would enhance the effectiveness of aid in crisis conditions. The practical value of this work lies in analyzing ways to improve legal regulation, which include the legislative enshrinement of volunteer protection, the development of coordination with state structures, and the definition of transparent procedures for ensuring volunteer assistance. The study underscores the importance of legal awareness and legal culture, which support the development of civil society and may be utilized for further legal reforms aimed at integrating volunteer activities into the sphere of public interest.


Keywords: volunteer activities; legal status; administrative-legal regulation; mechanism; legal culture; legality.




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Author Biography


PhD in Law, Associate Professor, Deputy Director of the Educational and Research
Institute of Law and Psychology of the National Academy of Internal Affairs
Kyiv, Ukraine


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Philosophy and philosophy of law