Constitutional and Legal Responsibility of State Authorities in Ukraine

  • Olena MALOZHON

    PhD in Historic, Associate Professor, Associate Professor of the Department of Constitutional,
    International Law and Public Legal Disciplines of the Kyiv University of Intellectual ownership
    and rights of the National University "Odesa Law Academy"
    Kyiv, Ukraine


Abstract. The institution of constitutional and legal responsibility is quite new in the system of national law. Scientific views on this type of legal responsibility differ from its complete denial to its identification with measures of political influence. It is also worth noting the fact that the problems of constitutional responsibility are quite often highlighted in the scientific literature, and the issues of responsibility in various spheres have been studied only fragmentarily. At the same time, the content of constitutional responsibility is understood in different ways. Firstly, as the responsibility of the state, state authorities and officials in the sphere of protection of the rights and interests of local self-government, and secondly, as the responsibility of the local self-government bodies themselves to the territorial community, the state, legal entities and individuals for the proper resolution of issues of local importance , implementation of the Constitution and laws of Ukraine. Constitutional-legal responsibility is a type of social and legal responsibility that exists in the field of constitutional-legal relations, is provided for by the norms of constitutional law, is characterized by a specific circle of subjects, a mechanism of implementation and sanctions, and consists in the forced suffering of means of influence for an illegal act (retrospective aspect ) and in the responsible state of the obliged subject (positive aspect), acts as the most important guarantee of implementation and protection of the Constitution. The purpose of this study is to clarify the nature, essence, and specifics of constitutional and legal responsibility in Ukraine. When studying this issue, the legal nature of constitutional and legal responsibility was characterized; the signs and features of constitutional and legal responsibility are outlined; the concept and types of grounds of constitutional and legal responsibility are disclosed; domestic legislation on issues of constitutional and legal responsibility was analyzed; the types of constitutional and legal responsibility of the state authorities of Ukraine are determined. Therefore, the relevance of the study is determined, on the one hand, by the need to create a coherent theory of constitutional and legal responsibility as an independent type of legal responsibility, and on the other hand, by the need to improve the current legislation in the field of applying constitutional and legal sanctions to relevant subjects. That is why the study of theoretical and practical problems of constitutional and legal responsibility is an actual direction of development of modern constitutional and legal science.


Keywords: state; responsibility; state authorities; impeachment; constitutional law.


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Author Biography


PhD in Historic, Associate Professor, Associate Professor of the Department of Constitutional,
International Law and Public Legal Disciplines of the Kyiv University of Intellectual ownership
and rights of the National University "Odesa Law Academy"
Kyiv, Ukraine


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Philosophy and philosophy of law