Axiological Basis of the Model of Language Policy: Theoretical-Methodological Analysis

  • I. Vdovychun

    Doctor of Political Sciences, Professor of the Department of Theory and History of Political Science of the Ivan Franko National University of Lviv, Lviv, Ukraine
  • S. Savoiska

    Doctoral Student of the Department of Theory and History of Political Science of the Ivan Franko National University of Lviv, Lviv, Ukraine


A comprehensive study of the axiological foundations of the language policy model, which can effectively be developed only on a value basis, is an integral part of which is culture, spirituality, freedom, independence, consolidation, mutual understanding, tolerance, etc. The author argues that tolerance, as well as other values, should be in all things: in relations between different actors of politics, political forces, power and community, factions in parliament, coalition and opposition, at interregional level, in language and political relations, at the level of discussion and adoption of laws, in solving language and political problems, in implementing language policy, in forming its model, and so on. It is noted that every religious community should be tolerant of another, which has other religious beliefs, traditions, culture and language used in church service, sermons, etc. This also applies to secular life, where different languages and cultures are peacefully used. Methodology. Based on the evolutionary-historical and dialectical methodology that emerged in the 1960-s and 70-s, it was proved that the value basis of the formation and development of a model of language policy is statehood, freedom, independence of the Ukrainian people, Ukrainian culture and language, which, despite the various prohibitions of the various states, which at different times reigned in the territory of Ukraine, were formed, revived and developed, in particular, illegally. This methodology is extremely important as it introduces the researcher to the concept of J. Stuart concerning the levels of socio-cultural integration, which is important at the angle of vision of the unity of the Ukrainian community, the preservation of independence and the development of the Ukrainian state. The axiological basis of the language policy model is also explored by another methodology, which is: normative-value and axiological, through which the value components of the development of the language policy model are analyzed; multicultural, aimed at analyzing the implementation of language policy in multicultural and multi-lingual societies; biogeodeterministskaya, which makes it possible to find out the development of a certain community culture, which depends not only on ideology and politics, but also on the geographical environment in which the individual is formed as a person. On this basis, a goal is purpose: to explore the model of language policy, based on historical-political and evolutionary-cultural approaches to its analysis and generalization of parts as a whole, as well as axiological, value-normative, bio-geodeterministic, multicultural methodologies, which make possible problem in development and interconnection. On the basis of the goal, the following tasks are tasks to consider the dependence of language policy as a model on the authorities, the state, as well as the conditions under which language policy is implemented; to prove that culture is a fundamental feature of interconnection between peoples who, in the process of interaction, have improved their own language and culture or assimilated another’s; prove that the axiological approach to the study of the language policy model is important from the perspective of its value base; to analyze the nature, meaning and orientation of the normative-value methodology; to consider slowing down the development of a national-based language policy model based on the biogeodeterministic concept of biological and geographical factors. Scientific novelty stems from the problem, which: at the proposed angle, the vision has not yet been considered; consists of a purpose closely related to the approaches and methodology proposed; and tasks that reflect the value base of the study. It is worth noting that the scientific novelty of the article is also that it is researched on the basis of an axiological methodology, which is aimed at analyzing values, which in the imagination of the inhabitants of the regions of Ukraine are different, as they are connected with the history of development of their small homeland, education, interests, language, which at different times were formed under the influence of: first, Russia, which predominantly dominated the South and East of Ukraine; secondly, Poland (Commonwealth), which imparted values, language and culture to the people of Right-Bank Ukraine, thus displacing Ukrainian; third, Romania, etc., which also imposed on Ukrainians their own culture and model of language policy under the slogan «divide and rule». Conclusions. The model of language policy, based on historical-political, evolutionary-cultural, axiological, etc., is investigated. methodologies that made it possible to analyze the slowdown of its development on a national basis, to consider the dependence of language policy as a model on the government, the state, as well as the conditions under which language policy is implemented. Language has been proven to be an important sign of interconnection between peoples who, in the process of interaction, refine or assimilate it. It is argued that the axiological methodology for the study of the model of language policy is important at the angle of view of its value component.

Keywords: axiology; national interests and values; biogeodeterminism; model of language policy; multiculturalism; language and culture; evolutionary-historical and normative-value methodologies.


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Author Biographies

I. Vdovychun

Doctor of Political Sciences, Professor of the Department of Theory and History of Political Science of the Ivan Franko National University of Lviv, Lviv, Ukraine

S. Savoiska

Doctoral Student of the Department of Theory and History of Political Science of the Ivan Franko National University of Lviv, Lviv, Ukraine


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