Theoretical Principles of Journalists Professional Activity
The purpose of the article is to analyze the legislative and reference base of Ukraine, concerning the process of forming the diversity of the concept of professional activity of journalists. Methodology. The methodological basis of the study is a historical approach to the theoretical and linguistic analysis of the concept of professional activity of journalists. The author also used a number of methods of formal logic, namely: analysis, synthesis, induction, deduction, analogy, abstraction. The scientific novelty of the article lies in the issue of theoretical foundations of journalists’ professional activity. In a wide variety of laws, regulations and background material defining the concept of a journalist and their professional activities. A significant number of special laws on the professional activity of journalists and various media in general has been identified. It is emphasized that modern Ukrainian society requires a change in the unified approach to understanding the subject of professional activity of journalists. Conclusions. Summarizing the above, one can trace the great multiplicity of definitions of the journalist’s professional activity, competence, rights, duties, presence and absence of affiliation with the corresponding institution. While analyzing the current legislation of Ukraine, a wide variety of concepts of professional activity of a journalist in a narrow and broad sense of the word has been revealed. All this, in turn, causes a certain dissonance among the societies and leading scientists of Ukraine of the respective sphere. Therefore, in order to avoid differences in the regulation of public relations, the Ukrainian legislature should pay more attention to the issue of broadly defining the concept of the journalist’s professional activity.
Keywords: theoretical foundations; professional activity of journalists; law; concepts; media.
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