Structure of Security Policy Research Methodology
The purpose of the article is to determine the characteristics of the internal structure of the methodology used to study public security policy. The methodological basis was the use of a set of methods that were necessary for the realization of the scientific goal and the fulfillment of the set tasks: synthesis. Scientific novelty. The paper structured the methodology of public policy research in the field of security. The essence and understanding of the structural elements of the methodology of public policy research in the field of security were revealed and their basic, essential provisions were revealed. Conclusions. According to the results of the scientific search, a number of generalizations have been made in order to uncover the problems of the topic of the article: trends in the emergence, functioning and changes of scientific knowledge, as well as its classification, typology, etc .; structure and composition of the applied, systemic, functional and other scientific methods used; formalized methods and procedures for their specific use. The structure of the methodology of public policy research in the field of security is a multilevel system and consists of the principles of scientific knowledge, dominant worldview, type of scientific thinking, philosophical foundations, scientific paradigms, methodological approaches and scientific methods.
Keywords: methodology; dominant worldview; type of scientific thinking; philosophical foundations; scientific paradigm; methodological approach.
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