Features of Enforcement Proceedings in National Police Bodies
The purpose of the article is a thorough study of the legislative framework on the main features of the assignment and deprivation of state awards to National Police officers. The peculiarities of the procedure of presenting a police officer to state awards are described. Today, this topic is relevant because of its profound nature, as state awards are widely used in virtually every country in the world to commemorate their citizens for gains at both the state and government levels. This is especially true of National Police officers and police officers, as they are the ones taking the oath of allegiance to the state and the Ukrainian people, and we believe that they are most deserving of receiving state honors and awards and their conscientious service. These distinctions are established on behalf of the state (state bodies), are made at the expense of the state budget, are regulated by certain normative legal acts, clearly define the subjects of establishment of such awards, etc. Methodology. The methodological toolkit is selected according to the set goal, the specificity of the object and the subject of research. Scientific methods of systematic analysis and generalization are decisive. The scientific novelty of the publication lies in the systematic analysis of the implementation of incentive proceedings through the recognition of the merits of employees of the National Police bodies by the legislation envisaged by various state awards, legal incentives and incentives, motivating their socially useful behavior. According to the results of the study, the following conclusions were formulated: employees of the National Police are rewarded with the «Nominal Firearms» honors; medals: «For a saved life», «Defender of the Fatherland», «For impeccable service», «For military service to Ukraine»; honors of the President of Ukraine: Order «For Courage», Order of Princess Olga, «Order of Prince Yaroslav the Wise»; the title of Hero of Ukraine; honors of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine, namely the Certificate of Honor and the Certificate of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine; Diploma of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine.
Keywords: state awards; legal regulation; application; state symbols; incentive proceedings.
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